
contemplating the idea of creating a strategy guide to this game, I eventually
thought to myself, "Along with it most-likely being tedious reading, what's
the point of an entire guide for a racer?"
games have always been fairly straight-forward in their gameplay - next
to staying off the walls, the only real way to improve your speed and times
was to cut each corner, as close to the edge as possible. With the advent
of jumping, and boost pads that not only propel you forward, but many times
OFF the track, Scorcher strolls away from the typical gameplay scheme
and shouts, "Cut the corner? HA! Why not go OVER it!!" Rather than being
a full-blown strategy guide, I have decided to dedicate this portion of
the page to my Cool Tricks.
Get to know your tracks, come back here, and I'll show you how to really
shave some seconds off your overall time.
Not all tracks have 'cool tricks' in them. A few courses have very narrow
roads spanning the entire track, making any kind of 'cool trick' impossible.
A good example of this is 'The Spiral,' the final race of the game.

over that first hill
If you're
the type that likes to take that boost pad just before the starting hill,
chances are you've flown over the railing on the first turn more than just
a few times. When landing from that high-jump resulting from the boost
pad, and as you roll up the road (You should be on the rising-hill of the
first turn), turn left, off the track. If done correctly, you should 'jump'
(In a DOOM sense) over the gap, landing safely onto the track, past the
first turn.
For an
even faster run of the track, use the same tactic as above, but rather
than turning off the first hill, physically jump from it. If going fast
enough, you will land past the initial break of the track, which resides
just after the first turn. Doing this should improve your track time by
a few seconds!
It's best to do these tricks in first-person mode. In third-person, when
going off the track like as seen when using the boost pad on the initial
hill, the camera will often shift BENEATH the Scorcher Bike, concealing
the entire track from your view, warranting a landing somewhere in the
abyss :)

The Sub
Terrania Billboard
this isn't a trick, I figured it would be best to put this one here, or
else you may miss it completely. Just after the third tunnel (The one which
the train travels over), come to a complete halt. If you take a look at
the billboard immediately to the left, you'll notice on it is the logo
of Sub Terrania, a Sega Genesis game created by Zyrinx/Scavenger. It's
good to see they paid homage to this solid, classic title. Now, if only
there was a Red Zone sign..

are currently no cool-tricks (worth mentioning) for track 3, The

Over the Tunnel.. Partially
Just before
the second-to-last tunnel, there are two rises in the track, one after
another. At the peak of the second rise, you would usually have to slow
down a bit to get over the hole in the track, just before the entrance
to the tunnel. Instead of doing so, take advantage of your boost power,
and as fast as you can go, jump at the top of the peak. As a result of
this, you'll fly to an extreme height, going past the first few obstacles
in the tunnel. When in first-person mode, you'll notice that the ceiling
to the tunnel has disappeared. Position yourself to land either just before,
or after the first ramp in the tunnel, and even sometimes just after the
next to pits in the track - at top speeds.

Over the
On the
inside corner of the final turn, as driving, you'll notice the large building.
Rather than taking the road, and going around it, you can actually jump
OVER it. On the stretches of track before hitting the street, you should
have two (short) paths to take: The left, which holds a boost-pad trigger,
dips down and back up, while the right side rises up, with boost powerups
residing on it. You will want to take the right portion of track. Boost
the entire stretch, and at the very edge of it, jump, controlling your
Scorcher Bike in the direction of the building, going over it, and landing
on the other side, past the turn. This is similar to jumping the gap of
the first turn in the The Dump,
and as with that one, it will improve your track time by many seconds
if done every lap.
are currently no cool-tricks (worth mentioning) for the final race, track
6 - The Spiral