Game Credits
(PC and Sega Saturn) :
Main programming: David Guldbrandsen & Karsten Hvidberg
Main graphics: Mikael Balle
Music & Sound Effects: Jesper Kyd
System programming: Jens Bo Albretsen
Mathematics: Sami Badawi
Additional Graphics: Jacob Anderson & Sami Badawi
Gametesting: Jesper Kyd
Bike Layout: Jesper Vorsholt Jorgensen
Team Assistants: Nicole Salem & Stacey Roberts
Manual: Sami Badawi & Jesper Kyd
Manual Layout: Jacob Anderson
Scorcher Developed
by Zyrinx, 1996, 1997
Site Credits/Contact:
Site layout/design, [original] graphics & content: Austin Mackert
Big thanks go out to Jesper Kyd
All content (logos, music, etc.) not created by the author of this site is copywrighted material of its respective owner.