Last Updated: December 14th, 2000

December 14th, 2000 [3:59 pm Est.]
Scorcher - Officially finished : As of now, this site is officially complete. No more edits of the design. No more revamping of graphics. No more new content (for the time being). No more work.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the site.
Monday, December 4th, 2000 [1:12 am Est.]
Scorcher Uploaded - A long trip in the making: I started this project back towards the beginning of March 2000. Nine months down the road.. Here it is - almost.
Most of the sections are complete (for the entire two who care): I need to finish this portion,
the links portion, and reword some of my writing in most of the sections. I plan to get the full left bar looking better (Right now,
it consists of the Scavenger & Zyrinx logos - yes, ripped from the game (like I have a choice ;) - with fat outside bars surrounding them. I hope to fix that,
making it look better.. Something like the top bar: Somewhat sleek.
For those who don't know, I haven't been working on this day in and day out. Heck, if you look at it, it's probably something that could
be done in a matter of days, with the right know-how. When I started it, I didn't exactly know where I was going with it. I had contemplated
the ideas (And had actually started to implement them) of having a section where one could post his/her fastest track times, have a portion with
a complete FAQ on Scorcher (Was turned into simply 'Cool Tricks,' or 'Game Guide'), include a screenshot section, and more. Anyways, back to what I was saying.
The page has undergone many serious changes. I never really had a gameplan for it other than a sketch I came up with (similar to this design) a month
after I had started it. At first, I worked on it like there was no tomorrow. If you take notice at the 'first update' below, I was nearly finished with it.
However, being my typical old self, I got lazy, and left it on my hard-drive, unattended, for four months. When I picked back up with it in August,
I decided to redesign the graphics (which looked kind of.. bland - they still do, in a way), edited the design, and started on the heavy-duty sections,
namely the Game guide, Multimedia, and a synopsis on what the game was about. After August, I still hadn't completed the 'Game Guide' or 'The Game' sections (or even
started on them), and the entire page lay unattended for another month or two (or three.. *cough*).
November was really the month of working. Along with school, I tried to focus on it, completing the Game Guide and the synopsis of the game in their current forms now.
I finalized the Multimedia section and felt it okay to say everything was complete.. That is, everything but the conversion.
I created this site using notepad (Good old hand-made website, I guess you can say) and did everything revolving around what I saw in Netscape (My browser of choice). I had completely forgotten
about Internet Explorer (What the other 99% of the world uses), and to my surprise, nearly everything that could be anything was messed up in some way or the other. Tables were out of proportion,
or completely out of place; Fonts were different than what they were supposed to be; The javascript wasn't working, and the list goes on, heh. Anyways, I 'converted' it to be viewable [well enough] in
Microsoft Internet Explorer, so everything is fine now. However, using Netscape will always be the better choice to get the nicest looking version of this site.
So here I am now.. Finally finishing it. Really, that's a feat all in itself for me - I am notorious amongst my friends for not finishing all web sites I [try to] start. A round of applause would be greatly
appreciated.. Thank you. For my final words, what you see here is NOT the final version of this site.. While it's close, it's not. I honestly don't have enough money to get this site it's own domain,
and sites such as Classicgaming.com refuse to host sites such as this with downloadable media files, thanks to the bandwidth taken up. I have to resolve to Tripod. While it's a good 50 megabytes of space,
it's not enough to upload all of the mulitmedia intended, and it offers plenty of popup banners. Maybe in the future, I will be able to get a reliable domain with space 'o plenty...
April 8th, 2000 [5:09 Est.]
The First
Update - Offline : Yeah, this is the first
update. adjnaskjdnjksnfnsnf nsn fknsf sa nn jnjknjknsjfnasnjkf nasjkn n
kanfjknas kn kndkasnkasjkdn kjn jaksnfasf askdfjnskjnf jasn kan ansjf jdnansjfk
asjriaiuvn rivnianvi nain in ianvnavnainv ian in in inv ivn i n srnr nrgnrng
rng irn nrg inrginrnrinr inrg n yeah!! **Note: This is just a test
